INSTILL is a photography studio/ gallery, located at 31 Duke Street, Christchurch CBD East frame.

A fit for purpose studio. 5m overhead rail soft light. Movable roll background. Makes it the perfect space for room sets, black backgrounds, large items, product, food, still life, and all commercial advertising photography. Specialties include tricky stuff like stainless-steel.

This Kete bag shot in beautiful light, looks so simple, but this doesn’t happen naturally. Created in a studio set; with projected ‘controlled shafts of dappled sunlight’ and painstakingly arranged ‘selected’ Clams, cascading within the bag.

These everyday product photographs really stand out with 3 Dimensional studio lighting.

A note to creatives:

Are you an Art director or designer who would like to direct photography?  Maybe you’re a bit unsure about how to work with a photographer? Just give me a call and we’ll chat about the process of working together; with starting points, like providing a visual or some example images.

You might have used STOCK photographs; those stereotyped pictures from international photo stock agencies. OK, sure, stock shots are quick, cheap and easy; but they have no real story, no genuine link with a product or service. If the product or service does not appear in your promotional material; then you will have lost some trust from the consumer and missed out on an effective connection.

And do you know where your ‘used’ stock image has already been? (You certainly don’t know who is going to use it next.)

Why put yourself through hours of searching for a stock photo? -only to end up with that obvious ‘stock look’; making your marketing material just the same as everyone else’s. Instead; get the satisfaction of making original, ‘created for purpose’ work.

Your client will get a more effective image, uniquely their own.